If you suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency, diet therapy and not supplements should be the answer. It is relatively rare for people to suffer from this particular problem unless there is an underlying health problem. Being deficient in B12 is common if you are an alcoholic, have a bowel condition such as Crohn’s Disease or are very old. But some vegans and vegetarians occasionally suffer as they do not …
Read More »Recipes For A Detox Diet Get The Most Out Of Your Weight Loss
It is important you follow recipes for a detox diet very carefully or you will not get the best results from your efforts. Some people believe that they can do it themselves without guidance. This can work but it is much better to have some input from a trained professional. They will know which foods work best and what ones should be avoided at all costs. A simple cleansing diet …
Read More »Does The Hospital Three Day Diet Work
If you are looking to lose excess weight, you may be tempted to try the hospital three day diet. It has become popular as it can result in the loss of ten pounds in three days. It allegedly got its name from a hospital using it on cardiac patients who needed to lose weight before they had surgery. With this eating plan, you have to follow very specific rules and …
Read More »Mayo Clinic Diet Plans Permanent Healthy Weight Loss
Beware of imitators! While there have been diet programs in the past named after the Mayo clinic, there is only one diet plan that is endorsed and created by the Mayo clinic. The true mayo clinic diet plans are backed by the clinics own food pyramid and have been developed with dietitians to be nutritionally balanced. It’s more about eating well balanced, nutritious meals forever, than a quick hit diet …
Read More »Cottage Cheese Diet Can You Really Lose Pounds Following This Diet
There is no real weight loss program comprising solely of cottage cheese, diets like this are unhealthy. Any plan based on just eating one food group is destined to fail even before you start. The boredom factor will also set in leading you into temptation. Cottage cheese is a good diet food compared with some other cheese as it contains fewer calories while still providing protein. But you cannot survive …
Read More »Amazing Peanut Butter Diet The Cool Way To Lose Pounds
I know what you are thinking when you read the title of this article – Amazing peanut butter diet? I must be whacked out! How can you eat butter made from peanuts and still lose weight? But it is actually true. There are some foodstuffs that boost your metabolism allowing you to burn calories faster. The diet industry calls them super foods. Peanut butter is full of protein which helps …
Read More »12 Day Grapefruit Diet Is It What I Have Been Looking For
The 12 day grapefruit diet is not a new concept. The original plan was developed in the 1930’s. This fruit appears to be a dieter’s dream. It has no fat, is high in fiber and low in calories. It also carries benefits for your skin as it is high in vitamin C. So how does this diet work? It’s very simple. You eat half a grapefruit before every meal. The …
Read More »Your Calorie Reduction Diet Works Try It And See For Yourself
Forget all the glitzy adverts for the latest must have diet product. The only way to lose weight successfully is by following the calorie reduction diet. Fluctuations in your body weight are caused by consuming more energy than you use up. Our system converts surplus food to fat and we put on pounds. Our body is actually protecting itself by storing food to prevent starvation if we do not have …
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