Does Pilates work, even if youre terribly out of shape? Does it work if youve had an injury, or you have bad knees? Millions of people have discovered that Pilates seems to be good for whatever ails you. It may not be a miracle cure for every ailment, but ask anyone whos been doing Pilates regularly, Does Pilates work? Youre bound to get a resounding, Yes! Pilates stared out as …
Read More »A Pilates Mind And Body Workout
Pilates mind is the state of mind you get into during a Pilates workout. Think of it in much the same way as you think of the state of mind a person is supposed to have during yoga. Not quite like the runners high, Pilates mind is more a tranquil, refreshed state of awareness. Do all who perform the exercises experience Pilates mind? Undoubtedly, no. Just as some people can …
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